Employee Time Off Management

#1 Leave Management Software for SMBs

Optimize PTO and calendar management in your company

Folks is an HR software solution that includes key features to optimize employee absence management. Whatever the absence types (paid leave, sick leave, public holidays, long-term absence), our PTO management software lets you to manage them quickly and efficiently.

Save valuable time, avoid scheduling conflicts, and solve communication problems with our comprehensive staff management software.

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Let your employees manage their time off requests in just a few clicks

Employee self-service lets your teams track their time off calendar and PTO hours in real-time.

As a result, your teams are empowered on a daily basis, and no longer have to ask repetitive questions about their various requests throughout the year.

If you’re a manager, you will receive automatic notifications of your team’s vacation requests, and can approve them with just a few clicks.

What’s more, your HR dashboard will give you real-time visibility of the employee leave requests you still have to check and validate.

Say goodbye to Excel-based employee vacation time tracking

Managing employee vacation days on Excel sheets can quickly become a logistical and administrative nightmare. Manual calculations and updates, multiple versions and the risk of data loss and errors are a source of unnecessary stress.

With our time off management software, you’ll never again waste hours searching for information in different Excel files. You’ll also avoid data loss and human error, and your teams’ schedules will be updated in real-time. The HR department will have much more energy to devote to more important matters, and your employees will benefit from clear and transparent leave management.

Benefit from automatic time off calculation according to your custom leave policies with our absence management software.

By automating your leave management process, you’ll no longer have to calculate employee work hours or track PTO balances manually. The relevant information will be calculated in real-time while taking into account your time off policies and optimizing all your company’s human resource management practices.

Discover Folks HR's features!

« Absence and vacation management shouldn’t take up hours in the HR department. Folks RH helps simplify and automate leave management to save time and increase efficiency on a daily basis! »

Joelle Bouchard, HR Manager

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Features of our absence management solution

  • Calendar and PTO tracker: employees and managers alike can track their team’s vacation calendar. Administrative management of absences is automated, saving you time every day.
  • Employee self-service portals and simplified approval workflows: your teams have access to their own vacation bank, and can request time off whenever they want. Approvals are carried out in a matter of seconds directly on the platform, and the managers’ dashboard shows them the remaining leave to be approved or rejected.
  • Mobile application: for even greater accessibility, employees can submit their vacation or absence requests directly on the mobile application, wherever and whenever they like.
  • Balances divided by absence types: you get access to balances by type of leave (sick time, medical appointment, family or personal time, summer vacation, etc.) for better day-to-day visibility and easier approval process.
  • Time bank and overtime: time sheets track working hours and overtime. You benefit from automatic calculation, so that everyone can get access to their time off balances.
  • Detecting absenteeism: our HRIS enables you to spot cases of repeated absenteeism, so you can address any problems of employee engagement, mental health or well-being before they negatively impact your company’s productivity.
  • Access management: to ensure the confidentiality of certain types of leave, you can manage access for each employee, so that they only have access to information relevant to their day-to-day work.

Improve employee experience throughout your company

Absence requests shouldn’t be a source of stress for your employees. With Folks HR, your employees will automatically receive responses to their time off requests, avoiding multiple email exchanges and reminders. It’s a real time-saver, and it improves your day-to-day workflows and productivity.

Your employees will be able to make vacation requests whenever and wherever they like, monitor their PTO balance in real time, and benefit from tools to simplify their professional lives. You will improve employee scheduling, communication and approval workflows in accordance with your company policies. HR managers and professionals will no longer have to calculate remaining vacation days and manage and track requests on multiple Excel files.

Our PTO management software and employee portals will help you save precious time on leave management processes. Focus on the strategic side of HR management: Folks HR takes care of the rest!

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Discover Folks

Choose our HR software specifically tailored for SMBs to simplify your entire PTO management process.

Save time, ensure efficient, transparent day-to-day management of your teams, and empower your employees with our user-friendly, advanced features!

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Discover our powerful time off management features and simplify your daily processes!