Employee Database Software

for Canadian Businesses

Implement a reliable database for employee information

Employee records must be organized and stored efficiently to ensure the smooth running of your human resources management.

An employee database management system is essential to relieve managers and HR departments of time-consuming tasks and manual data entry.

With the spread of remote working and the digitization of organizational practices, this system is essential to keep a company running smoothly.

Employee files are valuable, and so is your time: that’s why Folks centralizes your crucial HR documents in an all-in-one HR tool with advanced data security features.

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Centralize employee profiles for easy and unlimited access

By centralizing all your employee files on one platform, you’ll benefit from easy access to all the information you need. Access accurate employee records in just a few clicks, anywhere, anytime, for greater flexibility and efficiency.

Folks HR offers powerful employee management features and lets you centralize your organizational chart and employee records with automation tools to simplify your daily work.

Access rights and file-sharing capabilities can be configured to ensure the confidentiality of individual employee files.

Employee self-service for all your workforce

Have you ever dreamed of being able to delegate updates to employee files to the people who need them most? Your workforce will finally be able to access and update personal information and make administrative requests.

You’ll no longer have to exchange e-mails for every little change: updates can be made at any time, and attachments and comments can be added directly to the profile.

Employees can also manage their timesheets and view their individual performance reviews on their self-service portal and managers get insightful reports on their dashboard.

Paper archives are far from reliable: in addition to taking up a considerable amount of space, these files have a significant environmental footprint and are sources of information loss (files cannot be found, loose sheets of paper are thrown away by mistake…).

Avoid errors and manual data entry be transparent by giving your employees unlimited access to their personal information while improving communication between managers.

Discover Folks HR today!

« On a day-to-day basis, our most appreciated feature is the ability to customize the employee file and to find a summary of the data in a general summary. This gives us a complete and up-to-date overview of all our employees’ information. »

Robin Sonnet, HR and OHS advisor

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Data available in customizable employee profiles

A wide range of crucial HR data can be found in your records:

  • All essential contact information: date of birth, job title, email address, telephone number, postal address;
  • Emergency contact information, e.g. in the event of a workplace accident;
  • Employment contract and benefits documents to facilitate termination processes if required;
  • Company documents the employee needs to access;
  • Certifications obtained and training courses attended by the worker;
  • Past or current disciplinary actions.


And much more, in customizable employee profiles!

Track employee growth with a wide range of key features

Implementing a digital employee database is an effective way of tracking your workforce’s progress, all the while providing a positive user experience.

From employee onboarding to employee performance management and attendance tracking, you’ll always have an eye on your workforce and on tasks you need to complete to improve employee satisfaction.

As a result, you will get crucial workforce insights, make informed decisions, and improve workflows throughout the entire organization.

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Keep employee data secure with Folks HR

Folks has achieved SOC 2 Type 1 certification, underscoring its commitment to information security requirements.

All employee information is accessible only according to pre-defined accesses and file-sharing capabilities. This ensures that documents related to employee management such as payroll and tax information, contracts, and company documents are secure. Furthermore, Folks offers secure e-signature capabilities in all its core features.

Folks ensures effective and seamless employee management on a daily basis! Improve manager and employee experience with a digital employee database.

Choose Folks HR, the best HR software in Canada:

Centralize your employee files and retrieve your HR data in just a few clicks!