Everyone needs a daily dose of laughter, HR professionals included. We have a selection of funny and relatable HR memes to share; they are sure to bring a smile to your face!
1. So many emails and reminders...
Communication is key in HR, but sometimes you might feel like no one is listening… Despite all your good efforts!

2. Perceptions vs. Reality
Dependable, attentive, superhuman but also the slightest bit threatening…
It might not be easy to fit into your fellow employees’ perception of HR!

3. Performance reviews = potential headaches
It’s not always easy to deal with performance reviews… But you might get a good laugh out of it!
Thankfully, an HRIS like Folks offers flexible and customizable performance evaluations that can help you overcome these challenges.

4. HR unsolved mysteries...
Will we ever have an answer? Maintaining and increasing employee engagement can be a hassle. You might as well get some helpful tips, over here!

5. Hello, can anybody help?
We do our best with what we’re given, after all. And in the end, we get funny HR horror stories out of these experiences.

6. Dealing with emergencies…
Dealing with people and correcting their mistakes can be frustrating, while feeling extremely rewarding. It is the biggest contradiction in HR…

7. We still have fun… sometimes.
Virtual birthdays might not be your cup of tea, but you rocked managing the shift to remote work these past couple of years. High five to you!

8. Where would we be without you?
… Not in a good place, is the only answer that comes to mind. HR departments were the true backbone of companies during this crisis, and we wouldn’t have gone very far without them.

9. You deserve to be congratulated!
You deserve a round of applause for your work, especially since the beginning of the pandemic. We are grateful for your continuous efforts, and we see you and your daily struggles!
To create impactful and engaging content similar to the examples above, Depositphotos provides a vast library of high-quality images and videos that can enhance your visual storytelling.

10. Here is recruiters' worst nightmare.
If you’re struggling with the current labour shortage, check out our blog for tips to improve employee retention and recruitment strategies!

11. Don't forget your onboarding plan!
Forgot to plan your new employee’s onboarding? Oops… Here are quick tips to build your employee onboarding plan!

12. Getting ready for employee annual reviews?
… So are we, and we all know how much time and energy performance management takes. Make sure you are prepared to conduct the best appraisals!

13. Ignoring employee training opportunities is... not a great idea.
It can be tempting to cut corners and save on training costs. However, employee development is key to maintain productivity and good levels of motivation!

14. If we said it once...
We said it a hundred times! Need help improving your performance management process? Here is the ultimate guide to optimize employee performance management in your company.

15. Sharing constructive feedback is not that hard!
You can even use constructive feedback examples to be more effective.

16. Seriously, your employees want continuous feedback.
80% of workers want to receive ongoing feedback instead of annual performance reviews. A culture of feedback is definitely essential to improve motivation and productivity in your company.

17. Talk about an organizational nightmare...
Seriously, we don’t know how you do it. (Please don’t do it.)

Tired of managing HR on Excel sheets?
Improve your HR management and save time with HR software!
Laughing about our daily professional issues alleviates our stress, but there is nothing more helpful than communication with people who experience the same situations. If you need to share your struggles with other HR professionals, light-heartedly or not, feel free to join our HR community on Linkedin or on Facebook!
HR Memes: https://www.instagram.com/hr.memes/
NotSHRMapproved: https://www.instagram.com/notshrmapproved/?hl=en