Best Tools to Optimize Your Performance Management

Folks Eval perfo rose
Morgane Lança
November 15 2022

While there are tons of great tips and tricks to help you optimize your approach to performance management, sometimes you need tools to support your daily tasks, plain and simple. Whether you need comprehensive guides that contain all the information you need to succeed, expert templates to guide you, or HR tech to simplify your administrative tasks, read on to discover the best employee performance management tools to reach your organizational goals!

1. Employee Performance Management Software

We get it: it’s not always easy to efficiently manage individual employee performance on top of all your other HR responsibilities. Administrative tasks are time-consuming and repetitive, leaving little time for strategic aspects of performance management.

Did you know that HR software with built-in performance management features can save you time daily while optimizing your performance management process? These solutions provides various methods of performance assessment and visibility of employee performance over time. In addition, you can add comments and employee goals directly into the module for more efficiency and transparency.

2. Key Performance Indicators

Using reliable data and actionable insights is always a plus to measuring performance objectively and supporting HR strategic plans. That’s why Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are a must to optimize your performance management:

We use various tools to measure and optimize employee performance and enhance employee engagement as well as experience. For instance, we heavily rely on key performance indicators to guide and enrich our performance conversations with each of our employees.  KPIs give us the data we need to inform decision-making regarding individual and collective performance and engagement levels. We also rely on performance appraisals to help link employees’ individual goals with the strategic objectives of the organization. Our performance appraisals are designed as a two-way communication and feedback tool that gives employees as much ownership over performance management as the company leadership. This way, the employees are empowered by the appraisals and not demotivated. Mark McShane, Managing Director of Sheffield First Aid Courses

Once again, HR software comes to the rescue with complete KPI features and direct visibility of employee performance reports on your user-friendly dashboard!

3. Comprehensive Guide on Performance Reviews

The perfect recipe for optimal performance management includes a comprehensive guide to polish your practices. It always comes in handy when you need to remember specific details about a performance review method, examples of constructive feedback, performance appraisal phrases, and much more. We wouldn’t want to brag, but we are convinced that our complete ebook on performance reviews is a must-have to optimize your performance management!

4. Project Management and Team Collaboration Tools

Now that you have digitized your performance review process and have enough information on hand to improve your practices, you might want to discover a solution that supports team collaboration and project management:

Team collaboration tools offer a suite of features that help our HR team and managers to optimize performance management practices. 

You can have a Bird’s eye view of your team’s activities, such as assigned tasks, achieved milestones, posted comments, contributions to notes, and more, that has happened across all projects in one place. 

This information helps managers and HR personnel to track how many tasks assigned to a particular employee were completed within set time frames and how many missed deadlines. It helps to measure the consistency of employee performance. 

The tool also facilitates prompt 2-way feedback between employees and managers through communication features like Instant chat, announcements, Discussions, and @Mentions. It encourages transparency as both sides have a clear understanding of expectations from each other. Vartika Kashyap, Chief Marketing Officer at ProofHub

These project management tools are especially useful in remote work contexts and will support your digital transformation efforts.

5. Performance Review Template & Other Useful Documents

No matter which employee performance monitoring tool you decide to use, everyone needs a solid template to prepare for annual performance reviews. Additional tools for performance management are great time-savers that you can whip out anytime you need them:

Psst… Check out all our tools for performance management in our HR library!

Performance management systems are great, but human insight is crucial to ensure an efficient performance management strategy in your company. Human resources professionals are the best help you can get to build effective performance improvement plans.

Discover our effective performance management system:

From KPIs to performance review software, you will get everything you need on Folks HR’s platform!


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