7 Useful Tips for Effective Team Management in 2023

team management
Guest author
March 23 2022

It is easier than ever to effectively manage a team when you have the right tools and tips. Develop the skills you need to be an effective leader for in-person or remote teams.

In this article,  we will cover team management, what makes a good manager, and some problems team managers face. You will learn how essential it is to manage a team effectively and create a positive work culture that results in business success.

We will then dive into the seven tips you will need to effectively manage your team, as well as some resources for productivity software.

What is Team Management?

Team management is an organization’s ability to effectively manage and coordinate a group of people, particularly when it comes to performing a specific task. The individuals responsible for managing a team will utilize management skills such as:

  • Communication
  • Delegation
  • Problem-solving
  • Training
  • Motivation

An effective team leader will motivate the entire team to reach a common goal, virtual teams included. Effective team management practices include transparency and providing valuable feedback. Communication can also be in the form of digital communication through email and team management software.

A good project manager will set a positive example for the entire team by working alongside their employees and coaching when necessary. Other effective team management practices include setting clear goals and expectations while providing the team feedback.

Feedback can come in the form of praise and effective criticism. Let your team know where they are and where they need to be, but do it with respect. Tell your team members how they are doing and how they can improve in a positive, professional manner.

New age team management has started to take form. We have transitioned to working in a virtual world with remote teams. Communication is even more vital in managing a remote team, more importantly, how a leader communicates.

Today’s managers realize that micromanaging is not as effective as mentoring and coaching for building a team. Leaders should be molding future managers instead of waiting until they have the official title.

Developing top leaders starts with mentoring employees and allowing them the space to innovate and grow. Instilling a critical mindset lets employees fail and learn from their mistakes. Individuals will adapt and eventually succeed.

Why is Effectively Managing Your Team Important?

When you effectively manage your team, you increase productivity and employee engagement. If you want productive employees, you need to participate and connect with them as a team.

Define the team goals so that everyone is on the same page and allow your team members to be heard when deciding on a strategy.

Creating a culture of trust leads to happier employees, which leads to a more successful business and a lower employee turnover rate. Not to mention, the better a business does, the more it can give back to its employees, continuing a positive chain reaction.


Employees feel valued when they have open communication with their leaders. Open communication requires you to be transparent about mistakes you made and what you learned from them. Happy employees also benefit from having a work-life balance.

When you prioritize health and balance as part of the company culture, you are less likely to have high employee turnover. As a project manager or team leader, you want to keep good employees on for as long as possible.

You can achieve organizational success by including team members in the decision process. Effective project management happens when members can collaborate without stress and unnecessary competition.

7 Useful Tips for Effective Team Management

Being an effective leader requires you to have team management skills. Here are some team management tips that will ensure employee success.

1. Lead By Example

The best way to teach your team how to do something is to show them. If you want the work environment to be inclusive, respectful, and a place that fosters creativity, you have to be the example they see.

Leaders today are just as involved in projects as their subordinates. 

Instead of only giving directions, they get their hands dirty. It sets an excellent example for the junior employees and the senior management for their leaders to be involved.

When you are actively and continuously involved with your team, it is easier for you to oversee positive results and what could use improvement. Being involved is an opportunity to encourage and motivate your team.

2. Good Communication is Key

Having efficient and practical communication skills is necessary for managing a team. When team members are unclear on objectives, it can cause unwarranted stress and confusion.

Make sure the goals and deadlines that the team needs to reach are clearly outlined. When everyone is on the same page, the production process can continue.

Utilize online team management software as a tool for effective communication. It can be easier to manage a team when tasks and deadlines are visible, which is especially true for remote teams. Being direct and transparent is the best way to communicate with your team. Don’t sugarcoat things or leave them in the dark. Allow them to be a part of the process and voice their opinions through employee engagement software.

3. Encourage Collaboration & Strong Working Relationships

One of the worst things a leader can do is micro-manage. Once goals and objectives have been laid out, allow your team to collaborate.

Know when to take the lead and when to back off to allow the natural leaders of the group to come out. Informal leaders have a way of bringing a team together naturally.

Your job is to motivate and coach your team when appropriate. Encourage your team to form working relationships and collaborate on projects. Also, allow them room to get creative and learn from mistakes. Learning from mistakes will lead to a positive and healthy work environment.

4. Criticize & Praise When Necessary

Managers can often fall into two categories, those who only praise and those who only criticize. It’s necessary to have a good balance to ensure a positive and supportive relationship with their employees.

Team members should be praised when they are successful. However, it is also suggested to praise the team members when you recognize that they are doing the work.

Recognition is known to boost morale and prevent burnout. Praise should be given often and to all members. 

When you criticize, provide effective feedback. Simply telling someone they are wrong does not lead to improvement. You must be specific when offering criticism and do not get personal.

Let them know what they did well and what areas need improvement. Don’t interpret their actions, but only observe, and then give them time to explain their side. You should provide constructive feedback often because it will keep team members on track and keep them from feeling like you are personally singling them out.

5. Efficiently Manage Conflict

Conflict happens in every workplace, so you must accept that it could happen within your team. When there is conflict in a work environment, it doesn’t go away unless you address it. The best way to handle conflict is to stay calm, be neutral, and stick to the facts.

Actively listen to both parties and ask questions that allow you to gather the necessary information without getting too personal. Try to get both parties to work together in resolving the issue and agreeing to disagree if you can not reach a middle ground.

To move past the problem, offer a “give and take” solution that could appease both parties. Keep the information confidential, so rumors are less likely to spread.

6. Use Meeting Intelligence & Productivity Tools

Meeting intelligence software, such as Avoma, provides a platform for teams to hold virtual meetings and share slides and documents.

Avoma is a meeting lifestyle assistant that is powered by conversational intelligence. But, how can this help you manage your team?

Avoma has a function that allows you to record and transcribe a meeting. This recording and transcription can then be so saved in your archives for team reference whenever needed. It is also an easy way for team members to stay on the same page even if they missed a meeting.

Not to mention, with Avoma you can also share and collaborate on the meeting agenda as a team, before the meeting even starts. This means that everyone will be up to speed with the purpose of the meeting – saving you precious meeting minutes.

There are many team management software options available, just like Monday, with built-in productivity tools.

These tools allow you to oversee every project process, give feedback, set deadlines, and track the budget. You can also have one-on-ones with team members and give annual reviews.

Other productivity tools center around facilitating collaboration and an effective workflow, take Markup for example. 

With Markup you have a central place for all the knowledge your business has accumulated and you can easily annotate, summarize and share any content you are working on with the rest of your team.

7. Use An HR Software

If you aren’t already using HR software already, now is the time to get started!

Using Human Resource Management Software, just like Folks HR, is bound to make your life a whole lot easier… at least when it comes to managing your team.

HR tools can be used to effectively onboard and offboard employees into your team or onto a specific project.

But more importantly, they can be used for giving feedback to team members (and receiving it back), for creating team organizational charts, and for storing all relevant information regarding a particular team member such as contact details, birthdays, and job specifications.

Final Points

Effective team management is a skill that every leader should learn. If you want to manage a productive, creative, and respectful team, you must lead by example. Employees are less likely to do adequate work if they think their superior isn’t doing the same.

Stay in communication with your team at every stage of a project. 

You should be setting clear objectives and deadlines but encouraging collaboration and informal leadership, as well. Praise your team members when they are doing the work and when they are successful while offering constructive feedback when they fall short.

Utilize team management software, like Notion, and stay up to date with your team. Many tools can help with productivity and take away some burdens, making it easier than ever to manage a team effectively.

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