The first challenge you will have to overcome will certainly be mental health prevention within your organization. While the past two years of the pandemic have raised awareness of the importance of mental health in the workplace, there is still so much to do in this department.
Like Tracey Beveridge, Head of HR at Personnel Checks, mentions: “Companies should be holding an improved focus on mental health and promoting physical activity to encourage happier staff – the end result not only fulfilling their responsibility as an employer, driving employee productivity, increasing staff retention and becoming more appealing for prospective applicants.”
Therefore, in 2022, the implementation of a mental health prevention strategy will indubitably be at the forefront.
An essential part of these programs involves surveys. By surveying your workforce regularly, you ensure that you are on the lookout for potential changes in work dynamics to identify signs of burnout and/or psychological distress among your employees.
In this regard, many resources are offered to allow you and your HR managers to be adequately qualified to deal with this ongoing issue.
If an occupational employee health and safety program is now an industry standard, so should mental health prevention programs!