Recruitment Tips: The Essentials to Attract Top Talent

handshake recruiter candidate
Catherine Maheux-Rochette
April 6 2021

How to Use Social Media to Recruit... and Hire?

Did you know that 94% of adults have an account on at least one social media platform? Social media are an integral part of our daily lives and, by extension, are contributing to a transformation of the workplace. In fact, for many companies, the various social platforms are now powerful development levers.

HR Marketing

Social media are ideal for promoting your company culture. You’re probably already promoting your products and services, but in the current job market, your brand must also appeal to your ideal candidates. Gone are the days when a company’s advertising campaigns were only aimed at its customers. Connect people to your purpose. We can’t say it enough, today more than ever, a strong employer brand is a considerable asset in recruiting top talent. Do not neglect this aspect in your communication and hiring strategy!

Involving your current employees is a great way to promote your employer brand. Indeed, on social networks like LinkedIn, personal profiles often have much more visibility and generate more engagement than company pages. Start by setting up a clear social media policy for your employees and make sure they understand it. You can then encourage your team members to share your posts, interact with them or, even better, talk about their own experiences with you.

Recruiting on Social Media

Nowadays, we frequently see job offers on social media. Using these platforms to recruit is a good way to reach passive candidates, i.e. those who are not actively looking for a job and who do not necessarily visit job boards (i.e. top talent). On Facebook, it is possible to publish a job offer for free via a company page. Yes, nowadays, Facebook recruiting is a thing! On LinkedIn, the service is not free. However, you can always publish a job offer on your Company Page and include a link to a job offer posted on your website, at no cost.

Tips for Effective Job Postings

In today’s labor shortage environment, it’s in your best interest to pay close attention to your job postings. A successful posting should include—at least—these 4 key points:

  • Introduce yourself (your company)

Who are you? What is your mission? What do you offer? What are the core values of your business?

  • What position are you offering (for real)?

Be transparent, job seekers who apply appreciate having a good idea of the tasks they will have to undertake when and if they work for you.

  • Skills and knowledge required for the position

It is important to clarify your expectations in terms of the qualifications needed for the position. If there are certain skills that are essential, mention it. If you are able to offer upgrade training, it is also relevant to mention it.

  • What sets you appart?

What do you do differently than others? How do you meet job seekers’ expectations? At Mirego, for example, employee meals are catered. GSoft offers trips down south and unlimited vacations to its staff. As for the government, its pension plans and salaries make it a competitive employer.

Build your Own Career Page

Is your Career page part of your employer branding strategy? It should be! For potential job seekers who visit your website, your Career page is an invitation to join your organization. If you want to appeal to top talent, it’s important to make this invitation as effective as possible. It is an opportunity for you to put forward different elements of your choice while being creative.

For example, you could… 

  1. Tell your story
  2. Showcase your company’s culture through your people: photos, videos or employee testimonials
  3. Highlight the benefits of working for you
  4. Explain your hiring process (Hotjar did it, and we love it!)
Key Points

A career page is a communication tool that you can dedicate exclusively to candidates and that allows you to customize your recruitment process while conveying a modern image of your organization. That’s why it’s important to give careful thought to its design.

  1. The interface must be easy to use
  2. Job offers must be directly integrated
  3. Calls to action should be simple (“Apply now”, “Spontaneous application”)
  4. The application form should be short, avoid questions whose answers appear on the CV
  5. The career page should ideally be integrated with an ATS

Recruitment and Selection Made Easy with an ATS

Using an ATS (Applicant Tracking Software) makes the recruitment process much easier. It allows you to aggregate applications, take notes on candidates and send messages from your career page. Folks offers a simple and effective tool to centralize, store and evaluate all applications for your SME: Folks ATS, one of Canada’s top ATS system. Here’s how it can help you:

  • Display directly on your career page

By creating your job offer in your ATS, you will be able to post it on your Career page and various job sites (Indeed, Jobillico, etc.) in just a few clicks.

  • Application bank

All the applications you collect, regardless of where they come from (job site, career page), are gathered in the same place. You can also add candidate profiles manually.

  • Powerful research tool

Use advanced searches in your candidate database: by keyword, by distance, by profile update date, by job type and more!

  • Communication tool with candidates

Your application management software can also be used as a tool to communicate with your qualified candidates. The platform allows you to sync recruiters’ calendars with Gmail, share applications with other recruiters via email, and send messages to candidates.

  • Note taking

Keep track of all your interactions with candidates: emails, calls and interviews. Take notes during the various interviews and keep them in the candidates’ files.

In conclusion...

Taking into account the various challenges of today’s job market, an optimal recruitment process requires above all a collective effort between a manager and his or her team to promote the organization’s employer brand. Well thought-out and effective job postings as well as an engaging career page will also help attract the best talent. Finally, the use of an applicant tracking system will ensure the smooth running of your hiring process.

And you, how has your recruitment evolved over the last few years? Request your Folks ATS free demo today and discover how it can help streamline your recruitment process!

Psst… we might even give you some more recruitment tips!

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