45 Employee Engagement Questions to Ask in Your Manufacturing Company

manufacturing employee
Morgane Lança
August 1 2022

Only 25% of manufacturing employees are engaged. The situation needs to change: motivated employees are healthier, more productive, and less likely to experience workplace accidents or absenteeism.

How can we identify workplace engagement issues before they get out of hand? Asking the right questions is crucial to building an efficient engagement strategy.

Here are 45 employee engagement questions you can — and should — ask in your manufacturing company.


Communication between managers and employees and among team members is key to employee engagement and retention. Here are essential communication questions, both open and close-ended.

Close-Ended Questions

1) I know what I need to do to be successful in my role.

2) I am kept informed of major decisions at the company.

3) I feel like I can reach out to my manager or HR to ask questions or discuss issues.

4) I am happy with the communication among my team.

5) I get enough one-on-one meetings and follow-ups on my work.

Open-Ended Questions

6) Do you think the company’s quality management system (QMS) supports effective communication between management and employees? What alternatives would you like to see implemented?

7) What could be done to improve communication with your manager?

8) How could your manager improve the support provided to help you thrive at work?

9) What kind of team-building activities would you enjoy?

Management and Day-to-day Operations

Building a relevant engagement strategy requires identifying issues in day-to-day management and operations. This is particularly crucial in HR management in manufacturing companies, where optimal processes must be set up to facilitate employees’ daily lives and avoid delays and accidents. Manufacturing managers also need to provide top-notch support to their teams.

Close-Ended Questions

10) The systems in place support me in getting my work completed.

11) I feel like workplace security is a priority in my company.

12) I know my way around daily operations and procedures.

13) My manager is ready to help when I encounter problems.

14) My work is facilitated by tools that support daily productivity.

Open-Ended Questions

15) What bottlenecks in the manufacturing process impact your job the most?

16) How can we make your job role better?

17) In your opinion, how can the company improve its day-to-day production and operations?

Recognition and Happiness

Employee recognition is key to engagement, but it might be overlooked in many manufacturing companies. Do your employees feel their contribution is valuable? Are they encouraged to perform well? These questions are crucial: here are all the examples you need.

Close-Ended Questions

18) I look forward to coming to work each morning.

19) I receive recognition at work when I perform well.

20) I feel like my place in the company and the industry is secure.

21) On a scale of 1 to 5, how much value do you think your role brings to the company?

22) I am satisfied with my current employee benefits.

23) I look forward to coming to work each morning.

Open-Ended Questions

24) Do you feel like your work is meaningful? Explain your answer.

25) What are you most proud of in your work?

26) Do you feel heard and valued? Share your feelings on how we could improve recognition.

27) What perks and benefits would you like to see implemented in the company?

Training and Professional Growth

There is no way around it: adequate training is necessary for manufacturing companies. Proper training supports workplace safety, reducing accident rates and absenteeism. Moreover, development opportunities help your employees thrive and increase their engagement.

Close-Ended Questions

28) I have access to tools and training that help me do well in my role.

29) I feel like my career aspirations are taken into account.

30) I am adequately trained to be effective and confident in my daily tasks.

31) My performance and my personal development are regularly discussed.

32) I am happy with my current role and responsibilities.

33) Is there a clearly defined career path for you in this company?

34) Do you feel you are given a chance to develop new skills?

35) In the last 12 months, has your role evolved and allowed you to learn new things?

36) Do you plan to be at this company in the next two/four/six years?

Open-Ended Questions

37) What skills would you like to acquire or improve?

38) In your opinion, what are your training needs for the following months?

39) What are your career goals and plans for the upcoming year?

Employee Ideas to Improve Workplace Environment

Who better than your employees could help you improve the workplace? Manufacturing workers are excellent sources of ideas to optimize day-to-day operations, consequently increasing retention and productivity.

Open-Ended Questions

40) What are the most positive aspects of your job and the company?

41) What are the things we could improve in terms of employee experience?

42) What is one thing you would change about the company culture to improve it?

43) What would make you look forward to Mondays?

44) What would make you recommend our company to people looking for jobs?

45) What engagement strategies would you like to see implemented in the future?

Using employee feedback to improve your practices is an undeniable asset. However, efficient data collection is not always easy to set up throughout the entire organization. The best solution is to implement employee engagement surveys!

Need an example of employee engagement survey for your company? Here is a free PDF

Employee Engagement Surveys

One-on-one meetings and open communication are great, but some employees might struggle to express their feelings face-to-face. Moreover, another great way of motivating employees to share honest feedback is to ensure information confidentiality.

That’s where engagement surveys come in handy. Customizable and confidential, they provide ongoing feedback before starting in-depth conversations with each employee. Pulse surveys and annual surveys are helpful tools all year long, as they help you identify which HR strategy has been successful and what can be continuously improved.

Solve engagement issues before they impact your company’s operations:

Discover Folks Surveys and improve employee engagement all year long!



Thanks to: 

For their precious help and ideas!

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